Smartphone application - Installation Guide
This manual serves as a guide for installing the Toecan Coach driver application on the smartphone.
Before installation, a user account needs to be created. User accounts for the smartphone application can be created by Toecan staff only. Upon creation, you will receive an invitation mail containing a magic link and a login code.
Tutorial Video
Downloading and installing the application
Downloading and installing the Toecan driver application can be achieved through the magic link, found in the invitation mail, or directly from the Google Play store.
Installing through magic link: the button within the invitation mail contains a magic link. When the link is used for the first time (without the Toecan application being installed on the device), the Google Play store will automatically open the app page on the Google Play store. Download and install from this store page.
Installing directly from the Google Play Store: In case there is an issue with the magic link, or you didn't receive an invitation mail, the Toecan driver application can also be downloaded and installed directly from the Google Play Store.
In order to login to the application, you need a user account. User accounts can only be created by Toecan staff. Upon creation, an invitation mail is sent that contains a login code. This login code can be used to login to the application.
Lost your invitation email?
In case you don't have the invitation mail, it is possible to resend the invitation by using the "Resend invite link" button from the login screen in the application.
If the entered email address is known to the system, a new invitation mail will be sent.
Using the login code
On the login screen, use the "Enter short code" button to enter the login code. If the login code is correct, you will be logged in automatically.
Setting permissions
In order for the application to function correctly, it is crucial to set the required permissions manually. A prompt to set the permissions manually appears during first-time login. If the prompt doesn't appear, the same actions can be performed by navigating to the settings tab, selecting "device setup" and tapping one of the settings.
Stop optimizing battery usage
When starting the app for the first time, the first popup is a request to stop optimizing battery usage. Select Allow.
Location service in the background
After accepting the request to stop optimizing battery usage, a request appears to use the location service in the background.
Select OK.
This will not yet grant required permissions!
Permissions required
After selecting "OK" for allowing the location service in the background, a request appears to open the settings menu of the phone. This will allow the user to manually grant the required permissions to the application.
Select Settings to open to the settings page.
On the settings page, select Permissions to grant permissions to the application.
Location permissions
Select the Location permission and set to Allow all the time.
Nearby devices
Select Nearby devices and set to Allow.
Select Notifications and set to Allow notifications.
Physical activity
Select Physical activity and set to Allow.
Unused app settings
On the settings page, scroll down to the unused app settings section. Set to False.
Check device setup
To validate whether all permissions have been granted correctly, it is possible to visit the Device Setup page from the settings tab in the application.
If all permissions were granted correctly, all permissions will show a green checkmark.
In case a red cross icon is shown, the permission was not granted correctly. Tab the permission to navigate to the permission settings page on the phone.